By: Tudor Costin Sicomas
July. 18, 2024
Astăzi, în plină vacanță È™i arÈ™iță de vară, vă propun să ne răcorim È™i să ne bucurăm sufletele prin întâlnirea cu o actriță tânără È™i extrem de talentată care duce faima țării cu onoare È™i mândrie peste hotare - Elena Lozonschi. Elena este din IaÈ™i È™i este stabilită în New York din 2017. A fost crescută într-un mediu artistic, È™i a început să studieze pianul de la vârsta de patru ani, luând cursuri de voce cu Ozana Barabancea. Pasiunea ei pentru actorie a determinat-o să se mute la New York, unde a studiat la New York Film Academy È™i la Academia Stella Adler.
June. 20, 2024
What were some of the most challenging aspects of performing a solo show?​
The biggest challenge was maintaining the dynamic engagement with the audience. It was crucial for me to remember that it wasn't just about reciting lines but creating a dialogue, albeit one-sided, where each word I spoke was a response to an unspoken question from the audience, rather than a passive narration of the script. It required a constant awareness and responsiveness that added color and immediacy to each moment of the performance.
By: Asad Mahmood
July. 05, 2024
In the intimate confines of the theatrical realm, where the human experience is distilled to its most raw and unfiltered essence, Dennis Kelly's "Girls & Boys" emerges as a narrative tour de force. Centered around the riveting portrayal of an unnamed woman by the brilliant Elena Lozonschi, this one-woman play traverses the terrain of love, parenthood, and the stark realities that lurk beneath the surface of domestic bliss.
March. 03, 2024
At the heart of PhysFestNYC are sixteen distinct performances, each offering a unique journey into the realm of physical expression. From evening-length works with multiple showings to one-off events and split bills featuring two to three distinct acts, the festival showcases the diversity and creativity within the field of physical theater...​
Elena Lozonschi, on the other hand, brings a luminous energy to the stage, infusing her performances with grace, agility, and boundless creativity.
By: Blair Ingenthron
May. 18, 2024
Béton Brut will present the return of Dennis Kelly's gripping one-woman play, "Girls & Boys," performed at The Attic @ The Tank, in Manhattan, New York on June 3rd and June 4th at 7PM.
News Room.
By: A.A. Cristi
Jan. 03, 2024
Directed by Pagliaro, this unique adaptation weaves a cultural tapestry that transcends language, creating a truly cosmopolitan theatrical experience.
By: A.A. Cristi
Jan. 03, 2024
This long-running show is more than entertainment; it is a lively tribute to New York City, showcasing the city's unique charm and the talents of rising stars.
By: Jacob West
May. 05, 2024
Central to the production's success is Elena Lozonschi's breathtaking performance as Lyubov Andreyevna. Despite the diversity of languages spoken on stage, her delivery in her native Romanian is so clear and compelling that the need for English supertitles becomes almost unnecessary.